Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has introduced online portal for IP Whitelisting and VPN registration. Authority said the initiative is for the facilitation of businesses and freelancers.
Now Call Centers, companies and freelancers having at least one static IP address and verification letter from their business concerns, can submit their applications for registration at https://ipregistration.pta.gov.pk/.
This was a long awaited feature that businesses were urging from PTA, since the process for whitelisting IPs and VPN was hectic and required a lot of steps.
It must be mentioned here that PTA has been blocking any IPs with VoIP or VPN traffic since they aren’t allowed by the law. However, BPOs, call centers and freelancers who must obtain the service in order to operate can get themselves registered with PSEB or other relevant bodies and then ask PTA for whitelisting of their IPs and VPNs.
It may be further added that, previously, Call Centers and companies had to route their applications through relevant Internet Service Providers (ISPs).
For resolution of any related queries and facilitation, relevant team of PTA can be approached at
email: [email protected]